ABT 1628 - England
BEF 13 JUL 1670 - Lancaster, VA
Nicholas Heale
Nicholas Heale >> George Heale >> George Heale >> Elizabeth Heale >> Elizabeth Davenport >> Elizabeth Tune >> Maria Gordon >> Eliza Jane Cralle >> Laura Sisson >> Louise Bryant >> Ralph Dameron >> Mark DameronNicholas immigrated from England to the Northern Neck by way of York County.
In June of 1654 the Lancaster County Record book shows that Nicholas Haile of York County, a planter, granted power of attorney to Thomas Roots of Lancaster County, a surgeon. Nicholas signed the agreement by making a mark of the letters "NH." The following page recorded a bill of sale on the same day from Nicholas to Thomas Root for cattle and hogs.
On February 6th, 1656 Nicholas purchased 500 acres of land in Lancaster from Enock Hawker, being half the land Hawker had received by patent. Nicholas was listed as now living in Lancaster. The land was described as being on the northeast side of the northwest branch of the Corrotoman River.
In 1661 Nicholas joined with Robert Pollard to rent the estate of William Wroughton for ten years. The estate was called Quiacomock, named for an Indian village there in 1640 when the land was first patented. This land is the same tract that became known as Millenback and was eventually purchased by William Ball to become the seat of the Ball family in the Northern Neck.
WHEREAS I have formerly let to hire a certain tract of land called GUIACONEKA for the terme of ten years unto NICHOLAS HALE & ROBERT POLLARD as may more plainly appear by a condition drawn between the aforesd. HALE & POLLARD and my selfe, These are further to declare that I WILLIAM WROUGHTON do hereby bind over my whole Estate or whatsoever shall really or personally appear to be mine at the day of my death unto the above mentioned NICHOLAS & ROBT. their heirs or assignes to secure them from any trouble or molestation that may arise either from me or my heirs in reference to the sd land during the full terme as is expressed in the abovesd. Condition. I do hereby assure them the quiet possession of the same from the abovesd. til the expiration of the time abovesd. and if the abovesd. do quietly enjoy the same land for the sd time as abovesd. then this present obligation to be void & of none effect til then to stand in full force & virtue In Witnes whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seale
this 11th of October 1661.
Sealed & delivered in the presence of
Recognit in Cur 13d, No: 1661 recordat primo Jan sequen p EDWD. DALE, Cl Cur
In 1666 the bounds of the 500 acres purchase form Enock Hawker were re-established and an additional 238acres were granted to Nicholas for the transport of seven people.
Upon N.W. br. of Corrotoman Riv. upon the N.E. side, beg. at the mouth of a small cove which runs up to sd. Heales house &c. Being one-halfe of land granted to Enoch Hawker & Anthony Doney (or Dowey) 29 July 1652 conteyning 1000 acs. & sould to sd. Heale by sd. Hawker, soe that more land being conteyned within the bounds of sd. pattern then the pattent expresseth the residue above the one moyety thereof being 238 acs. is due sd. Heale for trans. of 5 pers: Jno. Jancy, Mary Wms., Ann Hubberd, James Hawley, Will. Miles.
Nicholas received another 234 acres later in 1666 and 365 acres in 1669, all on the Corrotoman River. A patent in 1678 to his son George was made for 1,950 acres that listed the purchases and patents made by Nicholas to grow his estate.
In October of 1663 Nichols and his children recorded the marking of their cattle and pigs at the Lancaster Court House.
- NICHOLAS HALE recordes his marke of Cattle & Hoggs, vizt., swallow forkt of both eares, and a peece taken away under the lefte eare.
- GEORGE HALE, Sonne of the sd. NICHOLAS HALE, his marke of Cattle & Hoggs, vizt. swallow forkt on both eares & a peece taken away under the right eare
- MARY HALE, Daughter of the sd. NICHOLAS HALE, her marke, vizt., swallow forkt, on both eares and peece taken out over the right eare
- NICHOLAS HALE, Sonne of NICH: HALE, his marke of Cattle & Hoggs, vizt., swallow forkt on both eares & a peace taken out over the lefte ears
In March of 1666 Nichols was named a Justice in Lancaster County and replaced Richard Price. In January of 1669 Nicholas made a claim in Northumberland County Court against Walter Price for employing a run away indentured servant for three months. Price was ordered to make payment of damages to Nicholas.
Nicholas died intestate. On July 13th, 1670 administration of his estate was granted to Mary, "widow and relict." An inventory and appraisal of the estate were ordered.


- Lancaster County Will and Probate Records
- www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us
- Virginia Land Grants
- Mann, Nina T. Millenbeck: An Archaeological Excavation of a Colonial Mansion. Lancaster, Va: Mary Ball Washington Museum & Library, 1976. Print. Pg. 4.
- Haynie, W P. Records of Indentured Servants and of Certificates for Land, Northumberland County, Virginia, 1650-1795. Bowie, Md: Heritage Books, 2008. Print. Pg. 93.
Future 2:

Future 3:

Future 4:

Future 3:

- Unknown
- Unknown
Spouse & Children:
- Mary
- George Heale, sr.
- Mary Heale
- Nicholas Heale
- Mary
- George Heale, sr.
- Mary Heale
- Nicholas Heale