ABT 1645 - England
BEF 17 SEP 1708 - Wicomico, Northumberland, VA

Bartholomew Dameron

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Bartholomew Dameron was born about 1645 in England, perhaps in Ipswich Parish in Suffolk. He immigrated with his parents, Lawrence Dameron and Dorothy at a young age.1 His father received a land patent in Northumberland County in 1652.2 Lawrence Dameron died before 1658 and in his will he left 500 acres of land to Bartholomew.3 This is likely part of the land the makes up the present day Dameron Marsh.
"I bequeath my soule to God, my creator and my body to the earth. I bequeath unto my sonne Bartholomew Dameron one halfe of five hundred acres of land situated in Great Wicocomoco which I bought of Mr. Peter Knight, the said land to be enjoyed peaceably by said Bartholomew and his heirs for ever, and to be delivered to him at the death of his mother with one cedar Bedstead, one long table with forme and benches to it, and one Couch, all which stands in the Great Roome.”3
Bartholomew married about 1666 to Elizabeth, possibly Elizabeth Garlington, daughter of Christopher Garlington.1 They had as many as eight children. In 1668 he was named Constable for the Dividing Creek area.4 In 1679 the Northumberland County tax list places him on the south side of the Great Wicomico and lists him with four tithables.5

Court records show that Bartholomew had a number of indentured servants. In August 1678 John Marshall and William Laurence, indentured servants of Bartholomew, were found guilty for absenting themselves from their master's service for one month. Each man was charged 1,000 pounds of tobacco.6 Roberta & John, orphans of Symon Bashford were bound to serve Bartholomew on September 22nd, 1704. Bartholomew agreed to feed and cloth the children and teach them to read the Bible.7

Bartholomew was a member of the Vestry of Wicomico Parish and was listed as attending several of their meetings in the earliest surviving parish records dated from 1703. At the October 3rd, 1704 meeting he was named as a church warden.8

Bartholomew's will was written August 1st, 1708 and proven September 17th that same year. In the will Bartholomew divided up his land between his five sons. Bartholomew, John and Christopher received land in the lower portion of Northumberland around the Dameron Marsh area. Lawrence and Josiah were given land that Batholomew described as "Land in Mattapony which my father bought of Mr. Thomas Broughton by patent three hundred and forty two acres" and as being "up the Neck." Apparently Bartholomew had already given land in Mattapony to Lawrence because in the will he says "I give unto my son Lawrence one cow and calf besides what I have already given him, carryed to his plantation."9




  1. The Dameron-Damron Genealogy, Helen Foster Snow
  2. Dameron, Lawrence. Land Grant 6 April 1652. N.p., 1652. Print. (Father's 1652 Patent)
  3. Northumberland Record Book 1658-1666, Page 49.(1660 Father's Will)
  4. Bulletin of the Northumberland County Historical Society. Heathsville, Va: Northumberland County Historical Society, 2005. Print. Pg. 26. (1668 Constable)
  5. Bulletin of the Northumberland County Historical Society. Heathsville, Va: Northumberland County Historical Society, 2004. Print. Pg. 31. (1679 Tax List)
  6. Haynie, W P. Records of Indentured Servants and of Certificates for Land, Northumberland County, Virginia, 1650-1795. Bowie, Md: Heritage Books, 2008. Print. Pg. 126. (1678 Indentured Servent Case)
  7. Haynie, W P. Northumberland County, Virginia, Apprenticeships, 1650-1750. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1993. Print. Pg. 31. (1704 Guardianship of Orphans)
  8. Overholt, John L, and Arthur C. Johnson. The History of Wicomico Parish: Including 1703-1795 Vestry Minutes. Wicomico Church, Va: Wicomico Parish Church, 1999. Print. Pgs. 1-3 & 5. (1704 Church Warden)
  9. Northumberland Record Book 1706-1720, Page 57. (1708 Will)
  10. For Love of Family, Peter T. Baron Jr., 2012

Future 2:

Curabitur mattis purus ornare augue finibus, sed tempus ex eleifend. Maecenas vitae volutpat diam. Curabitur sollicitudin porttitor nisi. Nulla rutrum facilisis quam, sed bibendum magna consectetur sit amet. Fusce nulla turpis, efficitur eu tempus eu, accumsan malesuada sem. Morbi vestibulum libero et metus porttitor, vel ultrices lorem facilisis. Donec maximus ultrices ex ac tincidunt. Praesent vel enim laoreet, pharetra massa feugiat, iaculis neque. Nunc volutpat, nibh a laoreet venenatis, sem augue sodales nunc, eu commodo quam nisi vitae nunc. Nullam tristique placerat quam quis ornare.

Future 3:

Curabitur mattis purus ornare augue finibus, sed tempus ex eleifend. Maecenas vitae volutpat diam. Curabitur sollicitudin porttitor nisi. Nulla rutrum facilisis quam, sed bibendum magna consectetur sit amet. Fusce nulla turpis, efficitur eu tempus eu, accumsan malesuada sem. Morbi vestibulum libero et metus porttitor, vel ultrices lorem facilisis. Donec maximus ultrices ex ac tincidunt. Praesent vel enim laoreet, pharetra massa feugiat, iaculis neque. Nunc volutpat, nibh a laoreet venenatis, sem augue sodales nunc, eu commodo quam nisi vitae nunc. Nullam tristique placerat quam quis ornare.

Future 4:

Curabitur mattis purus ornare augue finibus, sed tempus ex eleifend. Maecenas vitae volutpat diam. Curabitur sollicitudin porttitor nisi. Nulla rutrum facilisis quam, sed bibendum magna consectetur sit amet. Fusce nulla turpis, efficitur eu tempus eu, accumsan malesuada sem. Morbi vestibulum libero et metus porttitor, vel ultrices lorem facilisis. Donec maximus ultrices ex ac tincidunt. Praesent vel enim laoreet, pharetra massa feugiat, iaculis neque. Nunc volutpat, nibh a laoreet venenatis, sem augue sodales nunc, eu commodo quam nisi vitae nunc. Nullam tristique placerat quam quis ornare.

Future 3:

Curabitur mattis purus ornare augue finibus, sed tempus ex eleifend. Maecenas vitae volutpat diam. Curabitur sollicitudin porttitor nisi. Nulla rutrum facilisis quam, sed bibendum magna consectetur sit amet. Fusce nulla turpis, efficitur eu tempus eu, accumsan malesuada sem. Morbi vestibulum libero et metus porttitor, vel ultrices lorem facilisis. Donec maximus ultrices ex ac tincidunt. Praesent vel enim laoreet, pharetra massa feugiat, iaculis neque. Nunc volutpat, nibh a laoreet venenatis, sem augue sodales nunc, eu commodo quam nisi vitae nunc. Nullam tristique placerat quam quis ornare.


Spouse & Children:

  • Elizabeth

  • Batholomew Dameron
    • 1667-1735
  • Josiah Dameron
    • 1669-1727
  • Lawrence Dameron, Jr.
    • -1731
  • Christopher Dameron
    • 1684-1764
  • John Dameron
    • 1690-1743
  • Elizabeth Dameron
  • Mary Dameron
  • Sarah Dameron


  • George Dameron
    • 1640-1698
  • Thomas Dameron
    • 1650-1708
  • Lawrence Dameron
    • 1653-1735
  • Dorothy Dameron
    • 1656-

Last Updated: 10/5/2022