ABT 1632 - England
BEF 6 JUN 1677 - North Farnham, Old Rappahannock, VA
James Toone
James Toone >> Mark Tune >> Thomas Toon >> Caster Tune >> Elizabeth Tune >> Maria Gordon >> Eliza Jane Cralle >> Laura Sisson >> Louise Bryant >> Ralph Dameron >> Mark DameronJames Toone was an English immigrant who arrived in Virginia before 1651.
On January 6th, 1657 James signed a court order in Northumberland County with Alexander Cammill to name Edward Williams as their attorney in a legal matter against John Wood. James was unable to write his name and signed with a mark. The dispute was over payment of land that Wood had sold to Cammill. The case was settled in May of 1658 when Wood released Alexander Cammill of his debt.
In May of 1659 Giles Webb named James Toone as his attorney in Old Rappahannock County to settle his debts.
In November of 1662 James was referred to as being a planter and living in Old Rappahannock County:
Know all men that I James Yeomans of the County of Rappa. Planter do freely give unto James Toan(sic) Son & Heir unto James Toane(sic) of the Sd. County, Planter, one pied heiffer black and white with a Crop on the left and nick on crop on the right Ear. To have and to hold the said Heiffer with her increase for Ever and furthermore. I said James Yeomans do hereby acknowledge the same in Court when required. I have sett my hand this first of November 1662.
In November 1663 James and Luke Billington received 386 acres of land for the transport of 14 people to the colony. Among the passengers was John Tune, a possible brother. The land grant was in Rappahannock County at the head of Farnham Creek and running south near branches of Totuskey Creek. In March of 1664 Billington sold his half of the property to Thomas Tune, another possible brother of James.
In the spring of 1667 James agreed to settle a debt to James Biddlecome for either 20,000 pounds of tobacco or 250 acres of land that had been willed to him by Robert Powell. In May of 1670 James purchased additional lands at the head of Farnham Creek for 3,000 pounds of tobacco.
James wrote his will on August 29th, 1676 and it was proven in court on June 6th, 1677.
Item- I give unto my three sons, James, William and John Toone A seat of Land Lying between the Land of Henry Austin and Robt. Bedwell, It being three hundred acres, with one hundred and fifty acres of Land by me formerly Bought of Richard Powell and Joyning to one Corner of the said divident to be equally divided between them, but if either of them die without issue the land to fall to the survivors, but if either be minded to sell, their brothers to have the refusal first of it.
Item- I give unto my other two sonns Kaster and Mark Toone my other seat of land which John Massy now Liveth on to be Equally divided between them, but if either die without Issue the land to fall to the survivors, but if either be minded to sell, his brother to have the first refusal of it.
Item- I give unto my daughter Anne Toone my mare filley called by the name of Betty with her increase forever, only the second mare foal that shall come either by her or her increase, I give unto my two sonns in Law Andrew and Thomas Dew, if she die in her minority the mare with her increase to returne to her brothers to be divided amongst them, I give unto my five sonns above named my other three mares with their increase, to be divided as they come to age.
Item- I give unto sonn James my feather bed which was his Mothers and a gun which was his grandfathers.
Item- I give unto my Daughter Anne one young cow called by the name of Blossome.
Item- I give unto my sonn William one cow call Bese.
Item- I give unto my sonn John one cow called Browners.
Item- I give unto my sonnes James, William and John one yoake of steers.
Item- I doe order and appoint my well beloved wife Anne Toone to be my sole Executrix and doe give all the remaining part of my estate unto her and to her disposal and my children to her guidance during the time of their minority.
Item- I doe order and appoint my friends William Barber, John Suggitt and Samuell Pechey to be my overseers in trust and to doe their endeavors to see that neither my children nor wife be wronged or abused either in body or estate. In witness to all and every particular in this will contained, I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this 29th of August in the yeare of our Lord god 1676.
In the name of God Amen
I James Toone being sick in body but of perfect mind and memory doe make this my last Will and Testament as followeth disannulling all other Wills by me formerly made.
Imprimis: I bequeath my Soule to God who gave it me, hoping in Jesus Christ my Mediator for salvation at the last Day and in Him only doe I put my trust with my Body to Convenient Christian Buriall.
Signed and Sealed James X Toone Seale



- Virginia, Wills and Probate Records, 1652-1983
- http://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us
- NUGENT, NELL MARION. Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1666. Vol. 1. Richmond [VA]: Dietz Printing Co., 1934. 767p. Reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1983.
- Gloria J. Tune - Roots Web - https://worldconnect.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=gjs4kids&id=I234
Future 2:

Future 3:

Future 4:

Future 3:

- Unknown
- Unknown
Spouse & Children:
- Anne
- James Toon
- William Toon
- Anne Toon
- John Toon
- Caster Toon
- Mark Toon
- Anne
- James Toon
- William Toon
- Anne Toon
- John Toon
- Caster Toon
- Mark Toon