BEF 1682 - North Farnham Parish, Richmond, VA
BEF 6 OCT 1735 - North Farnham Parish, Richmond, VA

Phillip Harris

Show Family Line Phillip Harris >> Anne Harris >> Caster Tune >> Elizabeth Tune >> Maria Gordon >> Eliza Jane Cralle >> Laura Sisson >> Louise Bryant >> Ralph Dameron >> Mark Dameron
Phillip Harris was born before 1682 in North Farnham Parish, Richmond County to the immigrant Hugh Harris and Ann.

Phillip married to Mary Williams before January 25th, 1704. On that date he was referred to as Mary's husband in the will of her father, Henry Williams. Phillip and Mary had seven children.

In 1706 Luke Williams, a likely relative of Mary, named Phillip Harris in his will to care for his son Henry. When Phillip's father's will was proven in May of 1713 he left to Phillip's brothers John and Hugh, "the lands that belonged to my deed of sale bought of Col. Samuel Griffin except what I have already by deed given to my son Phillip."

Mary died before August of 1719 and Phillip quickly remarried to Anne with whom he had one more child, a son named William.

In Febuary of 1730 Phillip and Anne sold 80 acres of the land Phillip's father had given him to William Thomas for 7,000 pounds of tabacco. The bounds or the land were described as: "a certain parcel of land scituate in Parish of Farnum in County of Richmond and is part of Four hundred acres of land which Hugh Harris, deced,, bought of Mr, Sameil Griffin, who is also deced, the said Hugh Harris being the Father of Phillip Harris, who is the first party to these presents, and by Hugh Harris gave and bequeathed unto Phillip Harris in his Last Will and Testament, the parcel of land bounded, beginning at a corner white oak close upon a swamp commonly known by the name of Hogtown Swamp, so along a line of marked trees to a corner red oak standing in a valley which line divides this land and the land of Ann Bussle, from thence along a line of marked trees to a black walnut standing in the head of a branch and so along a streight course to a corner ash tree that stands close upon the run in the swamp known by the name of Hogtown Swamp, so along the said run to the beginning white oak."

Phillip wrote his will on January 27th, 1735. He left all of his land to son John Harris. To daughters Sarah Dodson and Anne Tune he left one shilling each. Phillip left his gun to son William when he turned 21 years of age. He left his movable estate to be divided between his wife, Anne, and children; John, Betty, William, Winifred and Mary. His will was proven in Richmond County court on October 6th, 1735.




  • Virginia, Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649-1800
  • Virginia, Wills and Probate Records, 1652-1983

Future 2:

Curabitur mattis purus ornare augue finibus, sed tempus ex eleifend. Maecenas vitae volutpat diam. Curabitur sollicitudin porttitor nisi. Nulla rutrum facilisis quam, sed bibendum magna consectetur sit amet. Fusce nulla turpis, efficitur eu tempus eu, accumsan malesuada sem. Morbi vestibulum libero et metus porttitor, vel ultrices lorem facilisis. Donec maximus ultrices ex ac tincidunt. Praesent vel enim laoreet, pharetra massa feugiat, iaculis neque. Nunc volutpat, nibh a laoreet venenatis, sem augue sodales nunc, eu commodo quam nisi vitae nunc. Nullam tristique placerat quam quis ornare.

Future 3:

Curabitur mattis purus ornare augue finibus, sed tempus ex eleifend. Maecenas vitae volutpat diam. Curabitur sollicitudin porttitor nisi. Nulla rutrum facilisis quam, sed bibendum magna consectetur sit amet. Fusce nulla turpis, efficitur eu tempus eu, accumsan malesuada sem. Morbi vestibulum libero et metus porttitor, vel ultrices lorem facilisis. Donec maximus ultrices ex ac tincidunt. Praesent vel enim laoreet, pharetra massa feugiat, iaculis neque. Nunc volutpat, nibh a laoreet venenatis, sem augue sodales nunc, eu commodo quam nisi vitae nunc. Nullam tristique placerat quam quis ornare.

Future 4:

Curabitur mattis purus ornare augue finibus, sed tempus ex eleifend. Maecenas vitae volutpat diam. Curabitur sollicitudin porttitor nisi. Nulla rutrum facilisis quam, sed bibendum magna consectetur sit amet. Fusce nulla turpis, efficitur eu tempus eu, accumsan malesuada sem. Morbi vestibulum libero et metus porttitor, vel ultrices lorem facilisis. Donec maximus ultrices ex ac tincidunt. Praesent vel enim laoreet, pharetra massa feugiat, iaculis neque. Nunc volutpat, nibh a laoreet venenatis, sem augue sodales nunc, eu commodo quam nisi vitae nunc. Nullam tristique placerat quam quis ornare.

Future 3:

Curabitur mattis purus ornare augue finibus, sed tempus ex eleifend. Maecenas vitae volutpat diam. Curabitur sollicitudin porttitor nisi. Nulla rutrum facilisis quam, sed bibendum magna consectetur sit amet. Fusce nulla turpis, efficitur eu tempus eu, accumsan malesuada sem. Morbi vestibulum libero et metus porttitor, vel ultrices lorem facilisis. Donec maximus ultrices ex ac tincidunt. Praesent vel enim laoreet, pharetra massa feugiat, iaculis neque. Nunc volutpat, nibh a laoreet venenatis, sem augue sodales nunc, eu commodo quam nisi vitae nunc. Nullam tristique placerat quam quis ornare.


Spouse & Children:

  • Mary Williams
    • 1686-1719

  • Sarah Harris
    • 1702-1734
  • Anne Harris
    • 1704-1769
  • Mary Harris
    • 1712-1719
  • Phillip Harris
    • 1715-1727
  • John Harris
    • 1717-1762
  • Elizabeth Harris
    • 1717-1735
  • Winifred Harris
    • 1718-1735


  • Mary Harris
    • 1676-1717
  • Hugh Harris
    • 1684-1730
  • John Harris
    • 1686-
  • Jane Harris
    • 1696-1765

Last Updated: 9/26/2019