BEF 22 MAY 1790 - Westmoreland, VA
BEF 9 MAR 1853 - Westmoreland, VA
Thomas J. Franklin
Thomas Franklin >> Samuel Franklin >> William Franklin >> George Franklin >> Frances Franklin >> Mark DameronThomas served in the 111th Virginia Militia during the War of 1812. The Westmoreland militia was very active in working to stop British coastal raids into the Northern Neck from the Potomac River. In early 1813 some companies of the 111th traveled to Norfolk and participated in the Battle of Craney Island, it is unknown if Thomas was involved in that mobilization.
Thomas married Harriet Sutton on February 9th, 1814 in Westmoreland County.
In August 1818 Thomas and Harriet sold land to John Chandler & Company for $157.50. The parcel was in Westmoreland and contained 21 acres plus an adjoining ten and half acre plot that would be transferred upon the death of Mrs. Sibella Sanford. The 10 and half acres was described as half of her dower in the estate of John Collinsworth, her former husband. The property was further described as being in Machotick (possibly Machodoc) Neck and adjoining the land of John B. Steele in a former survey of the lands of William Collinsworth and George Brinnon. Thomas signed the dead with his name, Harriet signed with a mark.
The 1820 Census in Westmoreland listed Thomas Franklin as the head of a household. He was the only male in the home, listed as age 26-44. Other members of the household were; four females under 10, one female 16-25 and one female 26-44. One person in the home was listed as working in agriculture.
The 1830 Census listed members of the Thomas Franklin household as; one male under 5, one male 5-9, one male 40-49, one female under 5, two females 10-14, two females 15-19, one female 30-39 and one female slave 10-23.
In 1840 the Census count for the household of Thomas Franklin was; two males under 5, one male 5-9, one male 15-19, one male 50-59, one female 5-9, one female 15-19, one female 60-69 and one female 70-79. No slaves were listed that year. The form also noted that two people in home were working in agriculture and one person was working in "Navigation of Canals, Lakes, Rivers."
In 1844 Thomas Franklin received a deed from John Chandler & Company for the land he had originally sold them in 1818. The deed stated that a some point after the sale Thomas has paid back the purchase price but the company had neglected to give him a deed so on that date in 1844 they were recording the deed for the sum of $1.
The 1850 Census listed Thomas Franklin as age 63. Harriet is not listed. He worked as a farmer and had real estate valued at $400. Emily Franklin age 24, Edward Franklin age 22 and Louisa Franklin age 19 live with him. Also living with him are Thomas E. Johnson age 15 and Richard Bowen age 15 who is listed as being "idiotic."
Thomas died sometime before March 9th, 1853. On that date an appraisal and sale of his personal estate was made by Edwin Hutt and William B. Hall. In addition to his furniture and household items Thomas owned two pairs of oxen plus a fifth ox, several sheep and hogs, and a couple of cows. The highest appraised item was a colt valued at $30 that sold for $35.10 to Edward Franklin, a possible son. Besides the livestock and farming tools Thomas also owned oyster tongs, a fishing net and a "old boat."
In August 1853 a dispute among Thomas' children over ownership of his 116 acres at Templemans Crossroad ended up in court and it was ordered the property should be sold and the proceeds split nine ways. It appears that order was not carried out and the dispute was settled out of court because on April 15th, 1854 Thomas' son Samuel and daughter Mary sold their shares of the land formally belonging to Thomas J. Franklin to their brother, Thomas E. Franklin for $80 each. The property was described as being on the main road from Louisville (sp?) to Westmoreland Court House and bordering the lands of William McGuire (deceased) and Richard Omohundro.
Thomas was buried at what appears to be the same area, now known as Nomini Grove. The small family cemetery there is now becoming overgrown. Some original markers still exist at the site. Poured concrete markers were added at a later date.



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- 1820 U S Census; Census Place: Westmoreland, Virginia; Page: 279; NARA Roll: M33_135; Image: 139
- 1830; Census Place: Westmoreland, Virginia; Series: M19; Roll: 192; Page: 116; Family History Library Film: 0029671
- 1840; Census Place: Westmoreland, Virginia; Page: 284; Family History Library Film: 0029691
- 1850; Census Place: Cople Parish, Westmoreland, Virginia; Roll: M432_980; Page: 311A; Image: 621
- Virginia Will and Probate Records
- "Westmoreland, Virginia, United States Records," images, FamilySearch ( : April 25, 2022), image 122 of 388; Westmoreland County (Virginia). Clerk of the County Court. (1814 Marriage Bond)
- William Franklin
- Ann Collinsworth
Spouse & Children:
- Harriet Sutton
- Samuel Robinson Franklin
- Mary "Polly" Franklin
- Frances Franklin
- Thomas E. Franklin
- Emily Franklin
- Louisa Franklin
- Sarah Franklin
- W. H. Franklin
- Harriet Sutton
- Samuel Robinson Franklin
- Mary "Polly" Franklin
- Frances Franklin
- Thomas E. Franklin
- Emily Franklin
- Louisa Franklin
- Sarah Franklin
- W. H. Franklin