ABT 1665 - Westmoreland, VA
BEF 23 APR 1723 - Washington, Westmoreland, VA

Lawrence Pope

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Lawrence Pope was born in Westmoreland County about 1665, the son of Humphrey Pope the immigrant and Elizabeth Hawkins.

Lawrence married about 1702 to Jemimia Waddy, daughter of Thomas Waddy and widow of John Spence. Lawrence and Jemima had nine children.

In 1704 Lawrence received a land grant for 376 acres in Westmoreland County on Rappahannock Creek and near the plantation of Edward Washington, adjoining lands of Thomas Steele and John Barton. In 1706 Lawrence was appointed surveyor of highways in Westmoreland County. In 1719 Lawrence received another 574 acres in the same area as the 1704 grant bounded on one side by a horse path leading to the house of Benjamin Waddy.

Lawrence wrote his will on March 23rd, 1723. He left the land he lived on to be divided between sons Humphrey, Thomas and John. Thomas received additional lands in Cople parish and John was willed additional land on Pope's Creek. Daughters Elizabeth and Anne each received furniture in addition to slaves. Daughters Catherine, Mary, Penelope and Jemimia each received one slave. He named his wife Jemima and oldest son Humphrey as the executors of his will. On April 24th, 1723 Lawrence's will was proven in Washington Parish, Westmoreland County Court.



  • Westmoreland Deeds and Wills 7, 1720-1723, Pg. 189.
  • Virginia, Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649-1800
  • www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us
  • Pope, Lawrence. Land Grant 8 January 1703/1704. 8 Jan. 1703.
  • Pope, Lawrence. Land Grant 9 February 1718/1719. 9 Feb. 1718.

Future 2:

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Future 3:

Curabitur mattis purus ornare augue finibus, sed tempus ex eleifend. Maecenas vitae volutpat diam. Curabitur sollicitudin porttitor nisi. Nulla rutrum facilisis quam, sed bibendum magna consectetur sit amet. Fusce nulla turpis, efficitur eu tempus eu, accumsan malesuada sem. Morbi vestibulum libero et metus porttitor, vel ultrices lorem facilisis. Donec maximus ultrices ex ac tincidunt. Praesent vel enim laoreet, pharetra massa feugiat, iaculis neque. Nunc volutpat, nibh a laoreet venenatis, sem augue sodales nunc, eu commodo quam nisi vitae nunc. Nullam tristique placerat quam quis ornare.

Future 4:

Curabitur mattis purus ornare augue finibus, sed tempus ex eleifend. Maecenas vitae volutpat diam. Curabitur sollicitudin porttitor nisi. Nulla rutrum facilisis quam, sed bibendum magna consectetur sit amet. Fusce nulla turpis, efficitur eu tempus eu, accumsan malesuada sem. Morbi vestibulum libero et metus porttitor, vel ultrices lorem facilisis. Donec maximus ultrices ex ac tincidunt. Praesent vel enim laoreet, pharetra massa feugiat, iaculis neque. Nunc volutpat, nibh a laoreet venenatis, sem augue sodales nunc, eu commodo quam nisi vitae nunc. Nullam tristique placerat quam quis ornare.

Future 3:

Curabitur mattis purus ornare augue finibus, sed tempus ex eleifend. Maecenas vitae volutpat diam. Curabitur sollicitudin porttitor nisi. Nulla rutrum facilisis quam, sed bibendum magna consectetur sit amet. Fusce nulla turpis, efficitur eu tempus eu, accumsan malesuada sem. Morbi vestibulum libero et metus porttitor, vel ultrices lorem facilisis. Donec maximus ultrices ex ac tincidunt. Praesent vel enim laoreet, pharetra massa feugiat, iaculis neque. Nunc volutpat, nibh a laoreet venenatis, sem augue sodales nunc, eu commodo quam nisi vitae nunc. Nullam tristique placerat quam quis ornare.


  • Humphrey Pope
    • 1630-1695
  • Elizabeth Hawkins
    • 1635-1718

Spouse & Children:

  • Jemima Waddy
    • 1678-1759

  • Humphrey Pope
    • 1702-1744
  • Elizabeth Pope
    • 1702-
  • Jemima Pope
    • 1703-1755
  • Thomas Pope
    • 1704-1741
  • John Pope
    • 1706-1747
  • Anne Pope
    • 1707-
  • Mary Pope
    • 1709-1723
  • Penelope Pope
    • 1711-1742
  • Catherine Pope
    • 1719-1787


  • Margaret Pope
    • -1723
  • Anne Pope
    • 1649-1717
  • Humphrey Pope
    • 1674-1734
  • Elizabeth Pope
    • 1675-1716
  • John Pope
    • 1680-1723
  • Mary Pope
    • 1685-

Last Updated: 10/20/2019