ABT 1632 - Barford, Bedfordshire, England
22 OCT 1700 - Lancaster, VA
Thomas Carter
Thomas Carter >> Elizabeth Carter >> William George >> Martin George >> William George >> Michael George >> Zamoth George >> Luther George >> Gordon George >> Marvin George >> Maida GeorgeThomas Carter was a immigrant, first recorded in Lancaster County in 1653. Burgess, Justice, and Captain of the Militia.
Thomas is thought to have come to Northern Neck by was of Nansemond County and was first recorded in Lancaster County on the 1653 tax list. In 1663 he paid taxes for 20 servants, in 1699 he paid taxes on nine. In addition to indentured servants his will listed that he was the owner of one slave, and he likely owned more earlier in his life. Thomas was referred to in various documents as a "gentleman," "merchant," and "planter." Likely he grew tobacco.
Thomas acquired several pieces of land in Lancaster County during his lifetime. He purchased a plantation "on the easternmost branch of the Corotoman River" of about 800 acres from John Carter and agreed to pay 12,852 pounds of tobacco in October 1654 plus 130 pounds sterling on September 18th, 1655. In January of 1657 he purchased 560 acres from George Marsh. He purchased additional land in 1658 from Edmund Lunsford and in 1674 received 500 acres from his father-in-law Edward Dale. He also received land grants including 150 acres in 1657, 220 acres in 1658, and other small grants totaling 470 acres.
Thomas served as a Justice from 1663 to 1665. He is believed to have served as a Burgess in 1667 and perhaps other years, and at some point he was the Captain of the Militia in Lancaster County.
Thomas was first married to a woman named Catherine. It is believed that they have several children that all died young and she died about 1669. Thomas remarried on May 4th, 1670 in Gloucester County to Catherine Dale. Catherine Dale's parents both came from wealthy and well connected English families. Her father served many positions in Lancaster including Clerk, Justice, Sheriff and Burgess.
The children of Thomas and Catherine are identified in a well-preserved Prayer Book passed down several generations in the family from Thomas Carter and now held at the Virginia Historical Society. The first entries written by Thomas Carter are:
Thomas Carter son of Thomas was Born on the 4th day of June 1672 betw’n 3 & 4 aclock in ye Morng and was Baptzd att ye new Church Augt 5th.
Captn John Lee, Mr Th: Hayne, ye Lady Anne Skipworth & Elizh Dale godparts.
John 3d son was bornd ye 8th May 1674 and bapd Sunday ye 24h and had for God parents
Coll. Jno: Carter, Mr Jno Stretchley and Mrs Ball
Henry Skipwith, 4th sonn Tho. & Kath. Carter Bornd of a Wedndy the 7h June & was baptzd att Home by Rev Mr Dogette on Sunday aftr Service ye 18th.
Capn Wm Ball, Capn David Fox and Mrs Srah Fleete standing
Diana ye Eldest Daughr Th: & Kathn Carter was born on the last Day of Apll 1678 near 5 in the Aftrnoone and Christnd on Sunday 12 of May by Mr Doggett when was Entertaind a
large Company. Mrs Diana Dale, Mrs Mary Willys & Capn Ball God parents. She Departd this Life of a Putrid Soar Throate at ye age of 2 yeares and 3 days.
Wm & Nicho twinn sonnes of Tho: Carter born 2d Novr 1679 and dyed on the 11th and 12th July 1680 of a Cholrey.
Elizabeth 2d Dauter was Bornd 4h day of Feby 1680 about Sunrise & weighd 11 lbs. Baptzd at St Marys Sunday 15 May
Mrs Margaret Ball, Mrs Elizabeth Rogers & Captain Ball standing for her.
Daniel son of Thomas & Katharin Carter born 22d Oct’br 1682 and died on the 30h of a Fit.
James 8th sonn was Borne on Christmas Day 1684 it being Thursday at 2 in the morng & was Chrisnd at Home on Sundy.
Mr. Jno Edwards, Mr Tho. Wilkes & Mrs Edwards standing as God parts.
Katharine 3d Dau. was born at 6 aclock Easter Morning 4h Apl 1686 Bapd on Whit-Sundy Mr David Fox Mrs Hannah Fox & Mrs Sarah Perrotte Gdpts.
Peter 9th Son was Born near Midnight 23d May 1688 & Baptzd on 3d June
Mr Edwin Conaway, Mr Tho. Dudly & Mrs Anne Chowning standing.
Joseph Youngest son born Friday 28 Novr 1690 & Christnd at home on 10th Decr
Mr Robt Carter & Mr Joseph Ball Godfathrs & Mrs Judith Carter Godmother.
Edward ye eldest Sonne of Tho: & Kathn Carter was born on ye 9h Ap’ll 1671 of Sunday at 8 aClock in ye Morng and was baptz on Sunday the 30h.
Mr John Carter, Mr Edwn Conaway & Mr Edw: Dale Gdfathrs & Mrs Diana Dale & Msz Lettys Corbyn G’dMothrs.
The Prayer Book goes on to list marriages for many of the children and the handwriting changes to record the deaths of Thomas and Catherine. Thomas wrote his will on August 16th, 1700. He left 100 acres of land each to sons Edward, Henry, and John. He left 100 acres including the plantation house to his son Thomas. He ordered his personal estate to be divided between his wife and all of his children except his daughter Elizabeth George because William George had not provided a receipt for the inheritance left to Elizabeth by her grandfather Edward Dale.
In the name of God, Amen the sixteenth day of August 1700, I Thomas Carter Senior of the County of Lancaster being sick in body but of good and perfect Memory Thanks be to Almighty God and calling to Remembrance the uncertain Estate of this Transitory life............ and now for the settling of my temporal estate and such goods chattels and debts as it hath pleased God far above my Deserts to bestow upon me. I do order give and despose the same in manner and form following that is to say that first I will that all Those Debts and Dues as I owe in right or conscience to any manner of Person or Persons whosoever shall be well and truly contented and paid or ordain to be paid within convenient Time after my decease by Execs. hereafter named
Item I do give my son Edward Carter one hundred acres of land to him and his heirs forever but if so be the said Edward will not join with his brothers within three months after my Decease to pay Equal charge for the laying it out and let his mother have what Timber she shall have occasion of for Repairing houses and fences on my now dwelling plantation during her life that then he shall have no benefit of it but I do give it to son John Carter to him and his heirs forever.
Item I do give unto my son Henry Carter one hundred acres of land to him and his heirs for ever only Reserving my wife to have the benefit of getting what timber She shall have occasion of for Repairing and Building on my now Dwelling Plantation but whereas the said Henry is in England and if it should happen he should never come in again I do give the said land unto my son James Carter to him and his heirs forever.
Item, I do give unto my son John Carter one hundred acres of land to him and his heirs forever only Reserving the Same Privilege to my wife as in, the other two
Item I do give my Negro, Dick unto my loving wife Katherine during her natural life and then to be Divided Amongst all the rest of my children only my son Edward to have no share of him
Item I do give all my personal estate whatsoever its to be Equally Divided my loving wife and children only reserving the great table to my wife whereas my son in Law hath Received fifteen hundred and sixty pounds of Tobacco in part of the estate his Grandfather in Law Edward Dale gave his wife I having no Receipt for it and if the said William George will not be accountable for it then it is my will that he shall have no part of my said estate but only one shilling sterling in full part of his wife portion
Item I do give unto my son Thomas Carter my now Dwelling Plantation with one hundred acres of land to it to him and his heirs forever after my now Loving wife Katherine decease
Item I do nominate my son Thomas Carter my exec and my loving wife my exetrx of this my last will and Testmt.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written
Thomas Carter died on October 22nd, 1700 according to the family Prayer Book. His will was proven on November 14th in Lancaster County Court. An inventory of his estate was recorded the following August.

- 1657 Deed
- 1658 Land Grant 200 Acres in Lancaster County
- Page from the Thomas Carter Prayer Book
- 1700 Will
- 1701 Inventory


- Miller, Joseph L. The Descendants of Capt. Thomas Carter of "barford," Lancaster County, Virginia: With Genealogical Notes of Many of the Allied Families. Thomas, W. Va: J.L. Miller, 1912. Internet resource.
- Carter, Thomas. Land Grant 4 March 1658. N.p., 1658. Print.
- www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us
- "Lancaster, Virginia, United States Records," images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-99GY-Y55W : May 19, 2021), image 99 of 435; Virginia. County Court (Lancaster County).
Future 2:

Future 3:

Future 4:

Future 3:

- Unknown
- Unknown
Spouse & Children:
- Catherine Dale
- Edward Carter
- Thomas Carter
- John Carter
- Henry Skipwith Carter
- Diana Carter
- William Carter
- Nicholas Carter
- Elizabeth Ann Carter
- Daniel Carter
- James Carter
- Catherine Carter
- Peter Carter
- Joseph Carter
- Catherine Dale
- Edward Carter
- Thomas Carter
- John Carter
- Henry Skipwith Carter
- Diana Carter
- William Carter
- Nicholas Carter
- Elizabeth Ann Carter
- Daniel Carter
- James Carter
- Catherine Carter
- Peter Carter
- Joseph Carter