ABT 1603 - England
BEF 8 MAY 1661 - Lancaster, VA
Nicholas George Sr
Nicholas George >> Nicholas George >> William George >> William George >> Martin George >> William George >> Michael George >> Zamoth George >> Luther George >> Gordon George >> Marvin George >> Maida GeorgeNicholas George received a land grant in Virginia in 1638 and later settled in Lancaster County.
Some online family trees state that Nicholas arrived in Virginia as early 1625 and purchased land in Isle of Wight County in 1632, but I have not seen supporting documents. In 1638 Nicholas along with John Grymsditch received a land grant for 300 acres. Grymsditch was given 100 acres for the transport of himself and his wife while Nicholas received 200 acres for transporting four people - John Munger, Richard Shelton, Anthony Lee, and John Evans. Since Nicholas did not claim himself it would support the claim that he was already in Virginia. The land was described as being in Isle of Wight, up Pagan Creek at the head of creek called Grymsditch's Creek. Listed next to Nicholas' land grant in the same year and in the same county is a grant for 400 acres to John Seaward. Seaward received at least nine grants in Virginia beginning as early as 1635. This may have been a family connection, a relative of Nicholas' wife. It is unknown when his family came to Virginia but some researchers theorize that while Nicholas was in Isle of Wight his family stayed in England and that Nicholas may have even traveled back and forth.
In 1652 Nicholas received a grant for 700 acres in Lancaster County for exchange of his 300 acre claim from 1638 and the transport of 8 additional people to the colony. The land was described as being on the "north side of Rappahanock River up Corotoman River on the east side of the west branch." Among the names listed as headrights were Nicholas George and "Mary his wife." Lancaster is where the family made their home and Nicholas lived out the rest of his life.
Also in 1652 Nicholas was granted land along with Thomas Taberer and Humphrey Clark. The 900 acre tract was not identified by county but only the description "Beg. at the mouth on N. side of a branch where Francis England's land endeth &c. cross the branch &c. to the great swamp, being the first branch of the black water, etc." Five years later Nicholas, his wife, and son signed a deed acknowleding the sale of land at Blackwater in Isle of Wight County to Francis Ayres.
Nicholas made his will around 1661. In 1969 the researcher John Frederick Dorman transcribed a portion of this will. Dorman described the document as being undated and stored among loose papers at the Virginia Archives.
My wife may enjoy the lands I now live on her life time, only my sonne Nicholas George may have land upon the devident to make a plantation on if he will.
Administration of the will was granted to Margaret and Nicholas Jr on May 8th, 1661 and the will was listed as being recorded on June 1st. A court order from January 1663 stated that Sarah, a daughter of Nicholas George did not receive the cattle that her father left to her and that Margaret was ordered give sufficient security for the cattle and their increase since the death of Nicholas.
My daughter Grace George may have a parsell of land one the other side the River adjoyninge upon the land of John Edwards upon the line of marked trees before Nicholas Hale's last survey.
.... My wife may have my man servant Absolam Ware if and she give unto daughter Grace 1000 pounds of tobacco to by her a bed.
One Chest to my wife.
Three basons and two dishes and two apeese to my three children.
Signed Nicholas (X) George
Witnesses: John Sharpe, Henry (H) Davis

- 1638 Land Grant - 300 Acres in Isle of Wight County
- 1638 Seaward Land Grant - Nearby grant possibly connected to family of wife
- 1652 Land Grant - 700 Acres in Lancaster County
- 1652 Land Grant - 900 Acres in Isle of Wight


- Georg, Nicholas. Land Grant 20 February 1638. N.p., 1638. Print.
- Seaward, John. Land Grant 18 June 1638. N.p., 1638. Print.
- George, Nicholas. Land Grant 15 February 1652. N.p., 1652. Print.
- Taberar, Thomas. Land Grant 14 August 1652. N.p., 1652. Print.
- Lancaster County Record Book 2, Page 123.
- Lancaster Co, Virginia Order Book 1656-66 page 143
- www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us
Future 2:

Future 3:

Future 4:

Future 3:

- Unknown
- Unknown
Spouse & Children:
- Margaret
- Nicholas George Jr
- Grace George
- Sarah George
- Margaret
- Nicholas George Jr
- Grace George
- Sarah George