Dameron & George Genealogy
This site is operated by Bryant Dameron to trace the ancestral lines of the Dameron, George and allied families of Virginia's Northern Neck and Eastern Shore.

Comments and corrections welcome.

Will Proven - Francis Stockley (1656)
Marriage - Joseph R. Haynie & Elizabeth Norris (1850)
Marriage - Hiram Haynie & Rebbecca Rogers (1816)
Marriage - Isaac B. Marsh & Polly Sullivan (1828)
Birth - Thelma Barnes (1905)
Will Proven - David Fox, Sr (1670)
Will Proven - Williamson Ball (1794)
Marriage - Eddie Barnes & Bessie Allen (1904)
Birth - Isaac H. Marsh (1830)
Will Proven - William Davenport, Sr (1717)
Will Proven - John Gatewood (1707)
Will Proven - John Haggoman (1764)
Birth - Elizabeth Barber (1674)
Marriage - Richard H. Sisson & Eliza J. Cralle (1860)
Birth - Robert Bush (1848)
Will Proven - Anne Osborne (1654)
Birth - Elton Dameron (1904)
Estate Administered - John Trussell (1695)
Founding - Morattico Baptist Church (1778)
Marriage - Isaiah Justice & Sarah Lewis (1803)
Birth - Anthony Sydnor (1683)
Marriage - William Sisson & Susan Sanford (1824)
Death - Thelma Barnes (2000)
Will Proven - Thomas Keene (1653)
Marriage - Urbane Bush & Nancy Haynie (1847)
Birth - Parish Garner, Jr. (1705)
Death - Randall C. Clark (1815)
Marriage - John Haynie & Julia Headley (1869)
Birth - Edward P. Barnes (1852)
Death - Columbus T. Bryant (1931)
Will Proven - Deborah Scott (1652)
Birth - Maida R. Haynie (1900)
Will Proven - Thomas Oldham (1824)
Death - William Hewett (1567)
Death - Minnie Fallin (1957)
Will Proven - William Self, Sr (1762)
Birth - Jesse Bryant (1773)
Birth - Zipporah E. Hale (1859)
Death - Edward P. Barnes (1921)
Marriage - Jeremiah Fallin & Ann Dameron (1834)
Will Proven - John Michael (1679)
Birth - Sallie Justice (1823)
Birth - Luther H. George (1852)
Birth - Willie Franklin (1854)
Marriage - Parker Barnes & Elizabeth Taylor (1817)
Birth - Susan A. Barnes (1856)
Marriage - Stanfield Jones & Frances Douglas (1829)
Death - Isaac H. Marsh (1916)
Death - John Cralle (1778)
Death - Edward Dale (1696)
Will Proven - George Heale, Sr (1698)
Will Proven - Thomas Dew (1709)
Birth - James B. Marmaduke (1802)
Marriage - Arthur Barnes & Euphamia Lewis (1803)
Marriage - Benjamin Dawson & Frances Headley (1814)
Marriage - John L. Jett & Alice C. Jones (1858)
Death - Mary A. Thrift (1890)
Marriage - Robert Offley, Jr & Anne Osborne (1589)
Birth - John L. D. Jett (1799)
Birth - Oliver D. May (2012)
Birth - Elizabeth Ann Carter (1681)
Will Proven - Walter Powell (1696)
Estate Administered - George Ball (1754)
Marriage - Henry Sisson & Winifred Smith (1787)
Marriage - Gordon D. George & Orah B. Lewis (1913)
Will Proven - Robert Clarke (1706)
Will Proven - William George, Sr (1709)
Marriage - John Marsh & Annie Wilkins (1826)
Capture - Richard H. Sisson (1864)
Death - Orah B. Lewis (1951)
Marriage - Thomas Franklin & Harriet Sutton (1814)
Will Proven - Mary Thorley (1663)
Will Proven - John Jacob (1730)
Death - Sarah Rollins (1871)
Birth - Elizabeth Williams (1725)
Estate Administered - Isaac B. Marsh (1844)
Will Proven - Esau Jacob (1775)
Estate Administered - William G. Alexander (1859)
Death - Stanfield Jones (1875)
Will Proven - Sarah Powell (1764)
Will Proven - Thomas Bell (1790)
Will Proven - Ralph Yeardley (1603)
Marriage - Thomas Bush & Elizabeth Y. Bell (1817)
Birth - John Sydnor (1736)
Estate Administered - William George (1804)
Will Proven - Coleman Doggett (1782)
Will Proven - Thomas Bush (1848)
Will Proven - Arthur Barnes (1757)
Estate Administered - Tabitha Parks (1835)
Marriage - Samuel Franklin & Susan Sisson (1841)
Marriage - Columbus Bryant & Laura Sisson (1887)
Will Proven - Isaiah Justice, Jr (1856)
Death - Anna E. Clark (1905)
Edward Sanford Signs Leedstown Resolves (1766)
Will Proven - Thomas Matthews (1706)
Will Proven - Henry Williams (1704)
Will Proven - Richard Jacob (1663)
Will Proven - Roger Williams (1767)
Will Proven - Jane Wyatt (1617)
Birth - Mary A. Thrift (1826)
Will Proven - Jesse Bryant (1845)
Marriage - Zamoth George & Harriet Wilder (1851)
Death - Rebecca Rogers (1861)
Will Proven - Thomas Toon (1769)
Birth - Minnie Fallin (1870)
Birth - Elizabeth Heale (1710)
Will Proven - William Ball, III (1745)
Marriage - James Bush & Fanny Jarrett (1782)
Birth - Nancy A. Haynie (1819)
Death - Bessie Allen (1967)
Marriage - Argoll Yeardley, Sr. & Frances Knight (1620)
Estate Administered - Thomas J. Franklin (1853)
Death - Frances R. Walker (1873)
Birth - David Fox, Jr (1647)
Will Proven - Hugh Brent, Sr (1671)
Will Proven - William Doggett, Sr (1717)
Marriage - Robert Bush & Eudora Alexander (1873)
Death - John L. Jett (1901)
Will Proven - John Davenport (1684)
Estate Administered - Lawrence Dameron, Jr (1731)
Birth - Mary Jane Claughton (1767)
Will Proven - Parish Garner, Sr (1719)
Will Proven - Nancy Hammond (1872)
Marriage - John Gordon, Sr & Rachel St. John (1769)
Will Proven - Thomas Gatewood (1748)
Marriage - John Bush & Maida Haynie (1922)
Birth - Eddie Barnes (1882)
Capture - Henry Fleet (1623)
Birth - Rodham Kenner (1671)
Marriage - James B. Marmaduke & Catherine Purcell (1824)
Death - Marvin L. George (1999)
Baptism - Anne Osborne (1570)
Birth - Juddie Sisson (1861)
Will Proven - Mark Parks (1776)
Marriage - Richard Fallin & Martha Stephens (1865)
Will Proven - Robert Self (1716)
Birth - Julia A. Headley (1848)
Death - Juddie Sisson (1947)
Estate Administered - Susannah Keene (1716)
Birth - William H. Allen (1825)
Will Proven - Sarah Michael (1697)
Death - Eudora V. Alexander (1931)
Birth - Catherine A. Dameron (1986)
Estate Administered - Thomas Flynt (1694)
Will Proven - John Barnes, Sr (1715)
Will Proven - Henry Sisson (1830)
Death - Alice Leveson (1561)
Will Proven - Isaac Haggoman (1728)
Will Proven - Moses Hale, Sr (1837)
Death - Thomas Wyatt Jr (1554)
Will Proven - William King (1716)
Birth - Moses Hale, Sr (1786)
Marriage - Joseph Rallings & Mary Bryan (1798)
Will Proven - William Headley (1813)
Birth - Mary J. Marsh (1838)
Baptism - Sarah Offley (1609)
Will Proven - Charles Fallin (1701)
Will Proven - John Cralle (1728)
Will Proven - William Doggett, Jr (1772)
Marriage - Thomas Kent & Priscilla Doggett (1795)
Death - Elton Dameron (1987)
George Yeardley becomes Deputy-Governor (1616)
Will Proven - William Fleete, Sr (1586)
Will Proven - Richard Lee (1664)
Will Proven - Mary Garner (1726)
Will Proven - Robert Sanford (1700)
Will Proven - Lawrence Pope (1723)
Death - James B. Marmaduke (1863)
Will Proven - Adam Thorowgood (1640)
Marriage - Bryant M. Dameron & Amanda M. Parrish (2013)
Birth - William Hobson (1700)
Will Proven - Robert Offley, Sr (1596)
Marriage - Elton Dameron & Louise F. Bryant (1925)
Marriage - John P. Allen & Sarah F. Hardwick (1879)
Birth - Elizabeth Dew (1694)
Will Proven - William Doggett (1676)
Birth - Epaphroditus Sydnor (1715)
Will Proven - John Barnes, Jr (1738)
Will Proven - Epaphroditus Sydnor (1756)
Marriage - Thomas Carter & Catherine Dale (1670)
Will Proven - Hugh Harris (1713)
Will Proven - William George, Jr (1760)
Birth - J. Morgan Haynie (1874)
Will Proven - John Clark, Sr (1755)
Will Proven - Henry Fleet, Sr (1661)
Will Proven - Nicholas George, Sr (1661)
Will Proven - Nicholas George, Jr (1700)
Will Proven - Henry Fleet, Jr (1733)
Death - Catherine Dale (1703)
Birth - Fairfax Lewis (1863)
Estate Administered - Isaac Bush (1726)
Will Proven - William Jones (1741)
Will Proven - Elizabeth Jones (1750)
Birth - Margaret Headley (1789)
Land Patent - Lawrence Dameron (1652)
Will Proven - Leanna Lee (1760)
Death - J. Morgan Haynie (1946)
Death - Louise F. Bryant (1993)
Will Proven - John Chinn (1692)
Will Proven - George Heale, Jr (1737)
Will Proven - Samuel Eskridge (1771)
Marriage - Samuel R. Hardwick & Rebecca Marmaduke (1843)
Will Proven - Charles Scott (1596)
Death - Rachel St. John (1815)
Will Proven - Robert Offley, Jr (1625)
Birth - Alice C. Jett (1862)
Marriage - Luther H. George & Alice C. Jett (1885)
Estate Administered - John Lewis (1697)
Marriage - Jesse Bryant & Barbary White (1811)
Will Proven - Priscilla Doggett (1844)
Death - John E. Haynie (1922)
Birth - Hempsel Clarke (1810)
Death - Robert E. Bush (1923)
Will Proven - John Garner (1702)
Birth - John Hardwick (1777)
Will Proven - Joseph Melson (1751)
Marriage - Benjamin Jones & Alice Sutton (1799)
Death - Reuben A. Bryant (1882)
Birth - Sarah Hobson (1725)
Estate Administered - Jemima Waddy (1759)
Will Proven - Absalom Lewis (1814)
Birth - Amanda M. Parrish (1985)
George Yeardley Departs England (1609)
Birth - William Ball, II (1641)
Will Proven - Mary Jones (1851)
Marriage - John Thomas & Molly Roach (1800)
Will Proven - Mark Tune (1718)
Marriage - Esau Jacob & Elizabeth Haggoman (1741)
Birth - Laura Sisson (1862)
Birth - Columbus Bryant (1863)
Birth - Louise Bryant (1905)
Will Proven - James Toone (1677)
Death - John Jett (1837)
Birth - Gordon D. George (1888)
Will Proven - Charles Fallin, II (1752)
Death - Francis Jett (1853)
Will Proven - John Bell (1743)
Death - Susan Sisson (1869)
Will Proven - Benjamin Doggett (1681)
Estate Administered - Martin George (1787)
Will Proven - William Dameron, Jr (1785)
Marriage - Ralph Dameron & Frances Franklin (1953)
Will Proven - William Dameron, Sr (1773)
Will Proven - Thomas Myers (1795)
Marriage - Michael Wilder & Nancy Hammond (1824)
Will Proven - John Powell (1718)
Baptism - Robert Offley (1561)
Will Proven - Amy McGraw (1745)
Will Proven - John King (1752)
Death - Richard H. Sisson (1896)
Horse & Buggy Accident - Richard C. Dameron (1909)
Will Proven - Michael Wilder, Jr (1847)
Release - Richard H. Sisson (1865)
Birth - Alice C. Jones (1838)
Birth - Ralph Dameron (1930)
Marriage - William Hobson & Judith Fleet (1723)
Marriage - William H. Sisson & Isabelle Wilson (1820)
Death - Mary J. Marsh (1921)
Marriage - William Ball & Hannah Atherold (1638)
Marriage - John Cralle & Spliman Garner (1759)
Will Proven - Elizabeth Dew (1778)
Birth - Orah B. Lewis (1886)
Death - Darius G. Cralle (1848)
Will Proven - William Self, Jr (1771)
Marriage - John Gordon & Elizabeth Tune (1795)
Death - Gordon D. George (1968)
Death - Eliza Cralle (1863)
Will Proven - Pemberton Claughton, Jr (1773)
Death - Richard C. Dameron (1909)
Estate Administered - NIcholas Heale (1670)
Birth - Barbara White (1784)
Birth - Urbane Bush (1820)
Burial - Anne Hewett (1585)
Baptism - Adam Thorowgood (1604)
Marriage - Leroy Dameron & Frances Walker (1820)
Death - John T. Sisson (1899)
Birth - Bryant M. Dameron (1983)
Marriage - Thomas Gatewood & Elizabeth Dudley (1716)
Will Proven - Richard Dudley (1717)
Marriage - Randall Clark & Nancy Davis (1801)
Birth - Eudora Alexander (1852)
Will Proven - Thomas St. John (1780)
Marriage - Adam Thorowgood & Sarah Offley (1627)
Death - Laura A. Sisson (1911)
Marriage - John Haggoman & Sarah Powell (1720)
Will Proven - John Claughton (1725)
Will Proven - James Bush, Jr (1812)
Birth - Jonathan May (1982)
Marriage - David Fox & Hannah Ball (1670)
Marriage - Thomas Toon & Anne Harris (1727)
Birth - Hannah Fox (1671)
Will Proven - Edward Sanford, Sr (1786)
Death - Molly Roach (1860)
Death - Hempsel Clarke (1886)
Birth - Richard C. Dameron (1844)
Death - Richard L. Fallin (1915)
Death - Maida B. George (2015)
George Yeardley Leads first General Assembly Meeting (1619)
Marriage - Isaac H. Marsh & Mary Marsh (1862)
Marriage - William W. Headley & Juliet Riveer (1842)
Death - William Davenport (1771)
Birth - George E. Franklin (1896)
Will Proven - Tobias Purcell (1710)
Will Proven - Leroy O. Dameron (1852)
Will Proven - Abraham Bush (1687)
Estate Administered - John Wale, Jr (1749)
Charter - Lebanon Baptist Church (1841)
Death - Zipporah E. Hale (1929)
Death - William H. Sisson (1871)
Marriage - Everett Branson & Thelma Barnes (1922)
Marriage - Christopher Dameron & Gracey Oldham (1792)
Will Proven - George Brent (1748)
Will Proven - James Bush, Sr (1766)
Opening - Kirkland Grove (1892)
Will Proven - Rodham Kenner (1706)
Birth - Elizabeth Jones (1707)
Marriage - Marvin George & Alease Bush (1945)
Marriage - John Sisson & Anna Clark (1854)
Urbane Bush Accidentally Shot (1859)
Death - Martha Stephens (1924)
Birth - Hannah Kenner (1695)
Birth - Frances H. Headley (1794)
Birth - Emma Dameron (2020)
Birth - John Cralle (1724)
Will Proven - Judith Fleet (1766)
Death - Urbane Bush (1859)
Will Proven - Margaret Williamson (1702)
Will Proven - Judith Davenport (1748)
Capture - John L. Jett (1862)
Death - Julia A. Headley (1939)
Will Proven - Thomas St. John (1698)
Will Proven - William Hobson (1739)
Will Proven - John Bell (1820)
Death - Henry C. Stephens (1882)
Birth - River C. May (2014)
Birth - William Ball, III (1676)
Will Proven - William Payne, II (1726)
Will Proven - John C. Hudson (1795)
Birth - John T. Sisson (1829)
Death - Susan A. Barnes (1927)
Will Proven - William Lemuel (1683)
Will Proven - Bartholomew Dameron (1708)
Birth - Mary Barker (1820)
Birth - Cyrus Riveer (1785)
Marriage - Samuel Cralle & Mary Claughton (1786)
Marriage - Jon May & Catherine Dameron (2009)
Birth - Bradley C. Dameron (2016)
Will Proven - John Thomas (1855)
Estate Administered - Fortunatus Sydnor (1683)
Birth - John P. Barnes (1820)
Birth - Sarah F. Hardwick (1854)
Death - Luther H. George (1890)
Birth - Frances J. Dawson (1838)
Marriage - Robert Sanford & Anne Smith (1664)
Birth - John Powell (1674)
Death - William W. Headley (1859)
Death - Alice C. Jones (1919)
Estate Administered - Parker Barnes (1868)
Birth - Martha D. Stephens (1840)
Birth - Jonathan Bryant (1749)
Death - John Hardwick (1841)
Marriage - George E. Franklin & Thelma Barnes (1926)
Will Proven - John Sydnor (1898)
Birth - John L. Jett (1832)
Marriage - Hempsel Clarke & Ann Kent (1838)
Birth - William Clark (1750)
Will Proven - Phillip Harris (1735)
Death - Joseph Bryant (1763)
Will Proven - Alice Gilbert (1701)
Will Proven - William Payne, Sr (1700)
Marriage - Luke Dameron & Jemimah Hudson (1794)
Will Proven - David Fox, Jr (1702)
Estate Administered - Hugh Brent, Jr (1716)
Will Proven - Robert Hudson (1757)
Burial - Thomas Wyatt, Sr (1542)
Marriage - Isaac Bush & Hannah Sammon (1720)
Will Proven - Charles Fallin III (1773)
Death - Samuel R. Franklin (1885)
Charter - Totuskey Baptist Church (1871)
Birth - Sadie V. Marsh (1876)
Marvin L. George Sailed for Japan (1945)
Will Proven - Nicholas Leveson (1539)
Will Proven - William Fallin (1783)
Marriage - Moses Hale, Sr. & Margaret Headley (1813)
Marriage - Richard Dameron & Minnie Fallin (1889)
Death - Emeline Thomas (1895)
Death - Fairfax Lewis (1921)
Will Proven - William W. Headley (1859)
Marriage - George Yeardley & Temperance Flowerdew (1618)
Death - Eddie Barnes (1954)
Will Proven - Richard Flynt (1664)
Death - Thomas Carter (1700)
Birth - Richard H. Sisson (1833)
Birth - Richard L. Fallin (1836)
Birth - Sarah Rollins (1803)
Will Proven - John Barnes (1799)
Estate Administered - Argoll Yeardley, Sr (1655)
Death - Nancy A. Haynie (1872)
Will Proven - Richard Sanford (1759)
Marriage - William Franklin & Ann Collinsworth (1786)
Marvin George Landed in Japan (1945)
Marriage - John Clark II & Rebecca Rhymer (1750)
Will Proven - Anthony Sydnor (1759)
Will Proven - Milly Ball (1810)
Death - Willie Franklin (1933)
Will Proven - Jonathan Bryant (1815)
Birth - John E. Haynie (1850)
Birth - Bessie Allen (1881)
Death - William H. Allen (1901)
Birth - Mark F. Dameron (1954)
Ralph Dameron Elected as County Supervisor (1983)
Marriage - William Alexander & Mary Barker (1842)
Will Proven - Henry Wyatt (1536)
Death - George Yeardley (1627)
Will Proven - William Ball, Sr (1680)
Estate Administered - Hannah Sammon (1736)
Birth - Maida B. George (1957)
Marriage - Cyrus Riveer & Mary Rosson (1826)
Marriage - James Riveer & Winnifred Thomas (1771)
Birth - Anna E. Clark (1839)
Estate Administered - Rowland Lawson (1660)
Birth - Alease Bush (1925)
Will Proven - William Ball II (1694)
Will Proven - Philip Jacob (1713)
Will Proven - Thomas Cralle (1726)
Death - Mary Barker (1886)
Will Proven - Sarah Yeardley (1718)
Death - John E. Bush (1950)
Death - Sadie V. Marsh (1930)
Birth - Marvin L. George (1922)
Death - Elizabeth Morgan (1833)
Estate Administed - Samuel Cralle (1833)
George Yeardley is Knighted (1618)
Marriage - Edward Sanford & Patty Yeatman (1787)
Marriage - William George & Sarah Wilder (1796)
Will Proven - George Eskridge (1735)
Death - Samuel Hardwick (1876)
Marriage - Mark Dameron & Maida George (1978)
Marriage - William Davenport & Elizabeth Heale (1728)
Burial - Margaret Berry (1769)
Birth - Thomas Fallin (1771)
Estate Administed - Christopher Dameron (1835)
Estate Administed - Argoll Yeardley, Jr (1682)
Death - Alice C. Jett (1921)
Will Proven - John Haggoman (1672)
Estate Administed - George Eskridge, Jr (1732)
Marriage - Holland Marsh & Hannah Airs (1800)
Death - Maida R. Haynie (1928)
Will Proven - Dionysia Bodley (1560)
Marriage - Alfred B. Lewis & Lucinda Booth (1834)
Marriage - John Hardwick & Elizabeth Morgan (1798)
Will Proven - Joseph Rallings (1805)
Death - Sarah Clark (1893)
Birth - Gracey S. Oldham (1775)
Will Proven - John Hale (1809)
Marriage - Willie Franklin & Juddie Sisson (1879)
Birth - Frances C. Franklin (1935)
Death - Ralph Dameron (2005)
Will Proven - Ellen Rogers (1710)
Death - Reginald Scott (1554)
Estate Administered - Elizabeth Medstand (1703)
Will Proven - James Riveer (1816)
Marriage - Reuben Bryant & Mary Thrift (1845)
Death - Sarah F. Hardwick (1933)
Will Proven - Lawrence Dameron (1660)
Will Proven - Charles Lee (1701)
Marriage - Moses Hale, Jr. & Nancy Sydnor (1838)
Death - John P. Barnes (1878)
Marriage - Fairfax Lewis & Zipporah Hale (1882)
Death - Frances Dawson (1886)
Death - Sallie Justice (1904)
Marriage - Reuben Bryant & Mary Thrift (1845)
Marriage - Francis Jett & Sally Sims (1793)
Will Proven - Thomas Johnson (1658)
Will Proven - Michael Wilder, Sr (1824)
Marriage - Edward Barnes & Susan Barnes (1876)
Birth - Samuel Cralle (1761)
Marriage - Darius Cralle & Maria Gordon (1826)
Birth - John E. Bush (1878)
Marriage - Morgan Haynie & Sadie Marsh (1895)
Death - George E. Franklin (1992)
Marriage - John Barnes & Elizabeth Jacob (1775)
Estate Administed - William Lewis (1796)
Marriage - Henry Stephens & Martha Wood (1837)
Birth - Anne Harris (1704)
Birth - Elizabeth Davenport (1749)
Will Proven - Thomas Johnson (1658)
Death - James Barnes (1896)
Marriage - Randall Sisson & Frances Gordon (1829)
Death - Alease Bush (2013)
What's New
- Photos - Morattico Baptist Church
- Photos - George Homeplace
- Photos - Redd House
- Photo - Minnie Fallin
- Obituary - Alice Columbia Jones
- Updates - Related Obituaries
- Updates - Unrelated Obituaries
- Updates - Maida Haynie
- Marriage Bond - Jesse Bryant & Barbara White
- Land Grants - David Fox, Jr
455 Profiles / 57 Immigrants / 161 Wills
455 Profiles / 57 Immigrants / 161 Wills